Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Work is Done...God's has just begun!

We made it home!! After traveling for 28 hours, we finally made it to our respective houses. Our families were happy to see us, and we were happy to be home. We come home changed people. Being on a mission trip has taught us so many things. How to be FLUID AND FLEXIBLE, don't ever put God in a box....he is bigger than we could EVER imagine, lives intertwine in the most mysterious~yet planned out ways, we can do all things through Christ, and one of the most important things we learned...we may be in different countries, live in different cultures and speak different languages but we are all the same in the body of Christ. God makes us brothers and sisters...and we will truly miss the brothers and sisters that we have met in Romania. It was really hard to say goodbye to our new friends, it was amazing how strong and fast connections can be made. We feel we planted a seed in Romania. We hope it will change the the views on people with disabilities in Romania. We hope they will start to see a disability as God's plan and not God's punishment. We met many Romanian people who feel disabilities are God's greater plan, but there are still many more who need to hear that having a disability is a way to glorify God. But then again, there are people in the states who need to hear that message also! We truly hope the ramp and the bathroom will set hearts in motion to start making many more places in Romania accessible. The ramp is a big, beautiful statement that all are welcome in God's house. The bathroom says, "we will make sure you feel welcome and comfortable here. The trainings were just a small way of touching hearts and letting the Romanians know that they have the knowledge and power to start a disability ministry, they just need the nudge to put that knowledge and power into action. We ask you to continue to pray for the hearts in Romania and that the seed we planted will grow into a big beautiful tree with many branches reaching into many areas of Romania with the many, big beautiful leaves being the people touched by our mission trip. On that note, we would ask for another prayer for the young single mothers in Romania, there is a VERY high abortion rate there. We left some wonderful blankets from a non profit organization, Blankets for Babies, to give to the babies that these mothers decide to keep. Please pray that the blankets will touch a life in a way we could never comprehend.

We want to praise and thank God for the way he would just "show up" on our trip. He constantly let us know that He was with us, guiding us and loving all of us all the time. He kept us safe and strong... He led us to open hearts, gave us a great translator and answered our prayers. We are humbled that He would use 7 Americans in such a big way. Thank you Lord!

We love and appreciate you all following our blog.

HAR SI PACE (grace and peace, pronounced "har she pachay")

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