Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Has it been two days????

I am sorry we missed a blogging day...yesterday we were busy from morning to night. The guys spent the day at the church framing the bathroom and pouring the concrete. Today they put up drywall and started the is looking like a bathroom! The girls went on another outing with the kids from the center (group homes). They went to the play area at the mall. It was a very large, extremely nice play area... with a trampoline, ball pit, therapy balls, slide etc, etc...the kids loved it. We took another group there was our last visit with the kids from the center and we had lots of tears. We handed out the lambs and the kids really loved them. I will attach pictures later. Yesterday, Katonna and Missy went on a home visit to see a pastor from a village church and his wife. They were in a head on collision 11 months ago and both had severe injuries. The pastor is still recoverying from 2 broken ankles, and a broken arm. He healed incorrectly and walked on his legs too soon. He has had several surgeries to fix the problem and is still confined to a wheelchair. He was a most amazing man and finished our home visit with "God Bless me and God Bless you More!!" Tonight was our first inservice. We had several people use the new ramp... the elderly, a stroller, wheelchairs and walkers. What an amazing sight! Missy gave a presentation on disability and suffering and then 3 of the attendees gave their testimony...WOW! All three were so thankful for their suffering because it brought them closer to God. Matt and Doug gave a presentation on Communication in the Special Needs Family. It went really well. We were a little concerned because of the cultural differences in communication...Thank you for praying for a good translator. That prayer was answered! Pastor Alex was our translater tonight and he was better than we could have ever hoped. Tomorrow Pastor Alex, Nuti, Steve and Kristi are taking us on a little tour around Romania. We are excited. We miss everyone back home, but are amazed and happy that we are here experiencing so much of God's Greater Plan.


Unknown said...

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to drop a line to let you know I'm thinking about you. It's awesome to hear about the impact you're having on so many peoples lives. I pray that your journey continues to be safe and successful.

Katonna, I miss you!!!! See you soon.

God bless,


Unknown said...

We really appreciate your updates. Everybody misses you a whole bunch. What an exciting opportunity for your group and the people you are sharing with.